Published 5:30 pm Saturday, August 23, 2014


The meeting was called to Order by Ruby Manning at 7:30 p.m.
Members present were:
Obed Brabble, Ben Davis, Brandy Dixon,  jeff Edwards, Buddy Harris, Lynda Harris, Carlton Manning, Ruby Manning, John Nacke, Bruce Rabon, Carolyn Tyson, Harold Tyson, Phyllis Weatherington,  Bryan Weatherington. Total of 14 members.
The song “America” was sung by the members. Invocation was by Buddy Harris.
We had a meal of Chicken Salad Sandwiches and Pimento Cheese Sandwiches and sweets. Thanks to Brandy Dixon, Lee and Keith Manning.
Then the minutes were read from the July 8th meeting. A motion was made by Buddy Harris
and seconded by Carlton Manning to approve as read. They were approved by the membership.
We had one application for membership made by Bruce Rabon.  A motion was made by Buddy Harris and seconded by Carlton Manning to accept Freeman Weiner into the Wharton Station Ruritan Club.  We welcome  Mr. Weiner.
Ruby Manning appointed the nominating committee for officers for the year 2015.  They are Bruce Rabon, Buddy Harris and Lynda Harris.
With no other business a motion was made by Buddy Harris and seconded by Jeff Edwards to adjourn.  We said the “Pledge of Allegiance”. We were dismissed at 8:30 p.m. by Ruby Manning.