Published 5:32 pm Saturday, August 23, 2014
The Washington Rotary Club met Thursday evening at the Washington Yacht and Country Club. President Brad Davis welcomed members and guest, James Gaynor. Rotarian Bruce Rabon gave the invocation. President Davis introduced Lentz Stowe, Director of Beaufort County Community College’s Small Business Center. Stowe explained that all 58 institutions in North Carolina’s Community College system have a Small Business Center. The Small Business Centers offers no-cost counseling services, on a confidential basis, to local small businesses and would be business owners. Stowe pointed out that he has a fairly broad background in business and industry, and has access to network with the other 57 Small Business Centers when specialized help is needed. Each year the SBC offers workshops and seminars for the business community; and in addition they offer customized training programs for job growth and expansion, technology investment and capital investment all at no cost. President Davis at the conclusion of the program presented Stove with a highly coveted Rotary pen.
The meeting concluded with the Rotarians reciting the Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do.