Write Again . . . Time to just let it out
Published 8:20 pm Monday, November 3, 2014
Now, please let me say right here that I know this particular communications venue may not be the most appropriate way to make my announcement.
I also know that it’s time, past time, to let it out. To stand up like a man and just tell it.
Many of my friends and acquaintances already know this about me. I mean, it’s not like it’s some deep, dark secret. People will understand. I hope.
So. Here it is:
I will not — absolutely will not — support my alma mater’s athletic teams when they wear black. In whole, or even in part. Won’t do it. And that goes for gray, as well.
And while I have been one of those unusual dudes who also wishes all other teams in our state well, the same goes for them also. Wear black, or gray, then fie on you too.
ECU’s colors are so distinctive. Purple and gold. A tradition. Heritage. Highly recognizable. Just plain pretty.
No longer. The unoriginal trend lemmings in Greenville seem not to care a whit about tradition.
Why, even the coaches, the tights-clad lasses on the sidelines — even the band, I believe — don black. The previous AD told me black was a neutral color, and maybe it was the start of a new tradition. In other words, get over it.
This rush to unoriginality has swept the land. From coast to coast, collegiate athletic teams are now wearing black.
Well, fine. That’s just fine and dandy. Why, it almost makes me feel a bit sorry for my other alma mater. Wake Forest.
You see, the Deacons’ colors are black and gold. Just what are they to do? Same for Appalachian State.
Anyway, I’ve come out with it.
There just comes a time when a person’s got to do what a person’s got to do. Just ‘man up.’ Open the door and walk boldly out of that closet. Out of the shadows of timidity into the sunshine of temerity.
My time has come.
I feel better already.
APROPOS — “The preservation of valued traditions gives deeper meaning to and appreciation for our past.”
— W. Fitzgerald