Old Salt Oyster Bar Recognized by Area Food Website.

Published 11:30 am Saturday, April 11, 2015


The Old Salt Oyster Bar has been named the best restaurant in Tyrrell County by Charlestonfoodbloggers.com
The Garden Spot in Washington County and Martelle’s Feed House in Hyde County were also nominated by the website.
The restaurants were included in a list of the best restaurants in North Carolina according to the website.

“CharlestonFoodBloggers.com is the most followed blog in South Carolina.   It is run by husband and wife team Scott and Crystal Wink. We have provided consultation to many production companies associated with Food Network and other big network cooking shows.  We have written cover articles about Charleston for magazines like The Bourbon Review and Dabble Magazine,” reads a statement on the website.

Scott described how he and Crystal made the list of the best restaurant in the state.
“Sometimes people focus too much on local restaurants and great food only in the big Southern cities like Charleston, New Orleans, and Nashville.  That shouldn’t be the case.  I felt that there is this conflicting trend happening in the rural south right now:  A fast food fast casual take over going on especially in areas near interstates, the few locally owned places both new and old that remain are having to step it up to succeed.   So rather than crown champions we really intend to spark an interest and conversation about these locally owned places,” said Scott

Wink mentioned that there were some counties where I had personally never eaten in NC and in those cases he reached out to some of his foodie friends or news reporters familiar with the area.

“For 2016 I plan to incorporate more locals.  After launching the list on Monday over 2,000 people have already submitted suggestions and I’ll be following up with them all via email to update the list for 2016.  Next year’s list will correct 5-6 counties where I can already see there will likely be a change due to the suggestions. Sometimes a new place just pops up or I miss one.  I plan on using that feedback and trying as many new places to consider as possible,” said Wink.

The Old Salt Oyster Bar is located at 302 Main Street in downtown Columbia.

Martelle’s Feed House is located at 33301 US Highway 264 in Engelhard,NC.

The Garden Spot Café is located at 124 W Water St in Plymouth,NC.


Joe Womble, restaurant manager for the Garden Spot Cafe in Plymouth,NC commented on the receiving recognition from the CharlestonFoodBlogger.com

“ We are very pleased to be honored in this way by CharlestonFoodBlogger.com. It is always nice when someone recognizes and appreciates the hard work we put in to make this a nice place to enjoy,”said Womble.