Outside agencies wait on council to decide funding
Published 11:22 pm Saturday, April 18, 2015
Although City Manager Brian Alligood’s proposed budget for the upcoming 2015-2016 fiscal year allocates the same funding amounts to outside agencies as the current budget appropriates, look for those allocations to likely change as the City Council works on the proposed budget in coming weeks.
Alligood’s proposed allocations for the outside agencies are just placeholders in the proposed budget. Those allocations total $105,550, according to the proposed budget presented to the council Monday night.
Earlier this year, the council decided it will discuss and make those funding decision during its upcoming budget work sessions. The council also is considering doing away with direct contributions of money to the outside agencies and replace that current practice with another option: possibly using money from utilities funds or taking money from the general fund and applying those funds (probably on a monthly basis) toward the agencies’ utility bills.
In October 2014, the council decided outside agencies would have to make their cases for city funding.
The council has made it clear to the outside agencies that they will be starting from “zero” when it comes to being assured of receiving city dollars.
Outside agencies, such as the Zion Shelter, that meet certain needs not met or partially met by other entities would stand a better chance of receiving city money than agencies that don’t meet those needs or duplicate services provided by other entities, according to some council members.
Alligood’s proposed budget calls for providing funds to the following agencies: North Carolina Estuarium, $20,000; Purpose of God Annex, $20,000; Beaufort County Boys & Girls Club, $16,000; Beaufort County Arts Council, $13,000; Cornerstone Worship Center, $10,000; Zion Shelter, $8,500; Beaufort-Hyde-Martin Regional Library, $7,800; Wright Flight, $3,500; Beaufort County Arts Councils HeART of the City concerts, $3,000; Washington Christmas parade (Washington Kiwanis), $1,500; The Blind Center, $1,250; Eagle’s Wings, $1,000.
Copies of the proposed budget may be viewed at Brown Library and at the city clerk’s office at the Municipal Building (City Hall).