Write Again . . . Once more with feeling
Published 6:55 pm Monday, June 8, 2015
Alright. I probably shouldn’t write this one. I mean, I don’t want to sound like a “Johnny One Note.” Flaying the deceased horse. (To alter the bromide.)
So, please indulge me once more, kind readers. Here it is:
Come on, now, you “Original” people. You who love to vent and wax righteously indignant whenever you see or hear Washington referred to as “Little.”
You just don’t seem to get it, do you? No one — not a single soul — is demeaning the little town nestled on the banks of the Pamlico, the town that has such a rich history, when they refer to it as “Little Washington.” You must understand this.
It’s just how the town is known, far and wide, as they say. If you don’t believe this, then travel a bit. People know of, about, Little Washington.
As a marketing strategy, it couldn’t be better. It’s been around almost forever, and folks in very unlikely places have heard of Little Washington. No advertising agency could improve upon such name recognition. Most towns would truly love to boast of such a singular asset. It’s how we’re known.
Please understand, also, those of you who get your bloomers in a wad, that no one is trying to diminish the importance of the town being the “Original.” The first named for General George Washington.
When visitors come to Little Washington, we can tell them all about our history, and why we are the “Original.”
So. Call in to “Sound Off,” you “Originals,” and have at it. At me. I can take it.
We can all take “Pride in the Past — Faith in the Future” can’t we?
Right here in Little Washington.
Note — Guess who submitted the above-cited motto to be used as part of the Bicentennial Celebration in 1976?