Local church ‘multiplies the gift’
Published 7:29 pm Tuesday, June 30, 2015
In an era of budget slashing, a $7,000 donation can be a surprising windfall, but that’s exactly what Purpose of God Annex Outreach Center received from First Presbyterian Church in Washington. The origin of the donation is even more of a surprise.
It’s called “Multiply the Gift,” a program in which First Presbyterian hands out a $2,000 stake in $10 increments to any member of the congregation, adult or child, participating. Each person was required to take that $10 and invest it in his or her own gift, skill or talent then returned, along with any additional money raised. The $7,000 was the first “harvest” of the gifts that were multiplied in a variety of ways: the sale of baked goods, artwork, birdhouses and more.
According to First Presbyterian Pastor Lee Kinney, “Multiply the Gift” is based on the Biblical parable of the Good Steward: “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.”
It’s also a great way to get the congregation involved in fellowship and the community, Kinney said.
From a line-dancing event at the church, complete with DJ and hors d’oeuvres, to custom pet portraiture, to a group of enterprising young ones who hosted a simple after-church lunch, at the same time offering their expertise in iPhones, iPads, laptops and more to less technologically savvy older congregants, the projects have paid off.
“It was neat to see the kids doing something like that,” Kinney said. “All of these things and many more, I can’t even tell you all of them, are combining for all the receipts on this. … We’re guesstimating it will be around $15-16,000 for the whole thing.”
The second harvest will come in the fall, Kinney said. While 90 percent of the first collection was donated to Purpose of God Annex — which runs afterschool and summer programs for children, in addition to Project New Hope, a program teaching convicted felons job and life skills — the other 10 percent is being held in reserve, as seed money for new mission initiatives by the members. Purpose of God Annex, founded by Bishop Samuel and “Mother” Regina Jones, has had a long-lasting relationship with First Presbyterian.
“We have had a very special relationship with them from the beginning and we host their celebrations here. Bishop used to work on the staff of the church long ago, and we also hosted them at the beginning — they had an office here and their programs took place in our classrooms,” Kinney said.
Kinney has taken part in the program at other churches where he’s served, always with great results, he said.
“I commend it to any church. It’s a great fundraiser to be sure. It brings people together and increases fellowship and it really does a good thing for the community,” Kinney said.