Old Ford Ruritan Club, Aug. 9, 2015
Published 8:12 pm Saturday, August 8, 2015
Vice President Churchill Hodges called the meeting to order and welcomed members and guests. Churchill Hodges led the group in the singing of America, and J A Jackson gave the prayer for the meal. Old Ford Church of Christ Circle No. 3 provided the meal for the evening. Jeff Mault presented the treasurer’s report in the absence of Curtis Rogers. Tommy Hodges, secretary, presented a roll call of members. It was noted that Ruritan Rudy Bears had been presented to the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Ernie Coleman accepted the bears on behalf of the department. The school dictionary project is still ongoing and will be presented upon the opening of schools. The 2016 calendar project was discussed and final preparations will be made in September. Tommy Hodges from the North Carolina Jurisdiction of Woodmen Life presented the possibility of the Old Ford Ruritan Club obtaining the historic Woodmen building at Old Ford for renovations and historical values. It was noted that the fall BBQ was coming up in October with no date set. Tommy Hodges made the motion that the Old Ford Ruritan Club donate $100 to Maria Duke and $100 to the Hyatt family. A second to the motion was made by JA Jackson. The motion was discussed, voted on and passed. Bobby Hodges made a motion that we give Jonathan Hudson a $100 donation. A second to the motion was made by Ernie Coleman. The motion was voted on and passed as presented.
With no other business, Jeff Mault closed the meeting with pledge to the American flag.