Fish are not political
Published 5:25 pm Wednesday, August 12, 2015
For years, Sound Rivers, Inc. (formally Pamlico-Tar River Foundation) has been in an ecologically passionate fight to prevent Martin Marietta Mining, Inc. from discharging millions of gallons of untreated freshwater into Blounts Creek.
There are two sides to this disagreement. Conservationists and some who reside along the creek say that the disposed water will disrupt pH levels and, thus, have an adverse affect on marine species accustomed to a certain salinity level. Then there are those on the defensive who say the freshwater will be tolerable for existing marine life farther down the creek, while the mine itself will generate jobs in an area that certainly needs them.
On Saturday, Sound Rivers is holding a 5K walk/run to benefit the foundation and the health of Blounts Creek, one of Beaufort County’s many natural gems and an ecological melting pot of fish and pleasing scenery.
Whatever side of the ball one lines up with, it’s important to remember that fish are not political. Mine or not, taking part in the run will benefit an organization dedicated to keeping the county’s aquatic sights beautiful. It’s a mission worth supporting, especially considering that the legal battle is something that will be decided in court, not with a check from either side.
The race itself begins at Cotton Patch Marina, snakes along the road to the boat launch, goes through the campgrounds and finishes back at the marina. It’s a picturesque run/walk for anyone looking for a nice family activity on Saturday morning.
With the heat index finally creeping down from the unbearable triple digits, this 5K should be one of the more comfortable to run, compared to others that took place in July.
Registration will take place the day of the event from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. at the staging area near Cotton Patch Marina. Ample parking is available in designated areas.