Published 12:55 am Sunday, August 16, 2015

WASHINGTON EVENING ROTARY CLUB FOR THE CHILDREN: Meghan King, development director for the Ronald McDonald House of eastern North Carolina, spoke at this week’s Washington (evening) Rotary Club meeting. King is pictured here with program chairman Trip Bliley.

FOR THE CHILDREN: Meghan King, development director for the Ronald McDonald House of eastern North Carolina, spoke at this week’s Washington (evening) Rotary Club meeting. King is pictured here with program chairman Trip Bliley.


The Washington (evening) Rotary Club met Aug. 13 at the Washington Yacht & Country Club in the upper deck overlooking the sailboats on Broad Creek. President David McLawhorn welcomed members and guest and lead in the Pledge of Allegiance. Bartow Houston led in the singing of America The Beautiful and Russell Smith offered a heartfelt prayer and blessing for the upcoming meal. Bartow Houston gave the Health and happiness report.

Program Chairman Trip Bliley introduced the speaker Meghan King, who is the development director for the Ronald McDonald House of eastern North Carolina. Ms. King explained that there are actually two Ronald McDonald houses in Greenville, the 21-bed, free-standing one that most everyone is familiar with, and a six-bed unit in the hospital itself. She explained that in 2014 there were 629 admissions from 43 North Carolina counties. Their annual budget is $600,000.

McDonalds Corporation provides less than 10 percent of the funding, and the balance comes from private and corporate donations. Future plans call for an expansion of the number of bedrooms and the kitchen facilities to accommodate the families of children with serious illnesses. Following her presentation, Ms. King was presented with a highly coveted Rotary pen.

President McLawhorn welcomed guests Hannah Caton and Dr. Jay Sullivan.

The meeting concluded with the members reciting the Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do.