Write Again . . . She is with the saints

Published 3:15 pm Monday, August 17, 2015

Sister Jane Hardison.

I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t know her. You see, we grew up together.

Jane and I were schoolmates at Saint Agnes Catholic School. She was a good student.

Jane took violin, and became an accomplished violinist, an all-round outstanding musician.

Jane was voted “Most Talented” (girl) and “Most Athletic” (girl) in our WHS Class of 1957.

When several of us were putting together our reunion booklet for our fiftieth class reunion in ’07, we sent out a bio questionnaire to each surviving classmate. One of the requests was for family info. Where it said “Children” Jane responded “… approximately 2,000!”

And she was right. Sister Jane taught for over 40 years in numerous Catholic schools. Her children were in grades one through high school, with her main emphasis on — what else? — music. What lucky children.

She entered IHM (Immaculate Heart of Mercy) Congregation just several months after graduating from dear old Washington High School and made her “final profession of faith and took her vows on March 14, 1965.”

Her faith tradition, her church, was indeed blessed to count her among its servants.

Her children were indeed blessed to have had her as a teacher, and as an example of how to live one’s life.

A funeral mass for Sister Jane was held Aug. 12 in the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace in Scranton, Pa.

Our classmate has received her final promotion.

We may be assured that Jane’s “Lady of Peace” was happy to see her.

She is with the saints.

APROPOS — “A life lived well is a gift to the world.”