Washington Evening Rotary: Larry Barnes awarded Rotary pen

Published 8:28 pm Saturday, August 22, 2015

WASHINGTON EVENING ROTARY CLUB LAW AND ORDER: Pictured is program chairman Russell Smith with Larry Barnes, director of the Basic Law Enforcement Training. Barnes was presented with a Rotary pen at Thursday’s meeting.

LAW AND ORDER: Pictured is program chairman Russell Smith with Larry Barnes, director of the Basic Law Enforcement Training. Barnes was presented with a Rotary pen at Thursday’s meeting.

The Washington Evening Rotary Club met Thursday evening at the Washington Yacht and Country Club in the Upper Deck overlooking Broad Creek.  Shannon Carter opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed with the singing of “America the Beautiful,” and then Club Chaplain Bruce Rabon offered a prayer and blessing for the upcoming meal.  Bartow Houston gave the Health and Happiness Report.  Following the meal Program Chairman Russell Smith introduced Larry Barnes who is the director of the Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) at Beaufort County Community College, a position he has held for the past four years.  Mr. Barnes first talked about the accreditation of the program at the college and the standards that the state sets.  He then went on to discuss the 36 individual areas of instruction and the requirement that students maintain an 80 average, which is higher than some of the neighboring programs.  Barnes was most complimentary of the trustees and college officials who had been most supportive in upgrading the tools and instruction materials in the program, which in turn help maintain a high passing percentage at the state level.

Following his presentation Shannon Carter presented Larry Barnes with the highly coveted Rotary pen.

The meeting concluded with the Rotarians saying together the Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do.