A DREAM REALIZED: Local woman opens training facility

Published 7:28 pm Monday, August 24, 2015

JONATHAN ROWE | DAILY NEWS FRESH PHILOSOPHY: Mary Parker Egbert, owner and trainer at MP’s Training Studio, offers a unique outlook on health and fitness. Egbert, and trainer Abby Herritt, host classes that provide individualized instruction to meet client needs. The gym also provides those looking to get fit and healthy with a more private space than traditional gyms.

FRESH PHILOSOPHY: Mary Parker Egbert, owner and trainer at MP’s Training Studio, offers a unique outlook on health and fitness. Egbert, and trainer Abby Herritt, host classes that provide individualized instruction to meet client needs. The gym also provides those looking to get fit and healthy with a more private space than traditional gyms.

Mary Parker Egbert used to draw up gymnasium designs as a little girl, with a dream of creating her own gym. As a lifelong athlete, participating in gymnastics, triathlons, distance running and fitness training, Egbert wanted to open a space that served clients’ needs and offered instruction consistent with those needs.

And while many are reluctant to join a gym because they do not want to exercise in front of a lot of other people, MP’s Training Studio offers a smaller, more private space.

“Here they have the privacy where nobody’s watching them,” Egbert said. “And I wanted something affordable. There’s nothing like this in Washington. It’s merely to come in, train, take a class and the fees are reasonable. I wanted something that somebody that wanted to get fit, didn’t have to pay a lot of money to do it.”

Though the gym doesn’t have machines and other strength and endurance training apparatus, it has free weights, a squat station and a series of suspension straps that provide a means to work out, among other things like exercise balls.

The equipment available at the training facility is incorporated through a lineup of classes hosted by Egbert and fellow trainer Abby Herritt, Egbert said. Through suspension circuit classes, which involve using suspension straps to do various exercises within a specific time frame, hosted at the studio, as well as yoga and cardio and abs classes, Egbert says she and Herritt can help the regular gym novice get started.

With a background as a nurse and immersed in health and fitness all her life, Egbert said she wants to help people get in shape and live a healthier lifestyle, and give individualized instruction on nutrition and eating healthily.

“My goal is to teach (clients) to train on their own and get motivated,” Egbert said. “I can get you going and then you can go out on your own once you feel comfortable. We really focus on what a person needs. Everyone has a reason they’re finally doing something. I approach (training) from a, ‘What is good for you,’ (angle). I come across a lot of women that, as they’ve aged, they have no core strength, bad posture and they have aches and pains. In helping these people, I’m giving them confidence and helping correct a weight problem or a posture problem or other issues.”

With a limited number of classes, Egbert hopes to beef up the studio’s offerings through recruitment of area trainers, offering them space to host classes and freedom to instruct as they wish.

“Each trainer has their own individual style, and (training) is an art. It’s just like painting a picture or writing or something else. You have this blank canvas to work with and you can figure out different ways and be really creative with how you train.

“To me, (the studio) is really fulfilling my dream to help people and promoting a healthy lifestyle,” Egbert said. “It’s definitely my dream come true. It’s what I’ve always loved, and I think it’s important for all ages to get into it. And I don’t think your pocketbook should keep you from having a better, healthier lifestyle.”

MP’s Training Studio is located at 332 New Bern St. in Washington. For more information, call Mary Parker Egbert at 252-402-4790 or Abby Herritt at 724-712-3358.