RISE: Church to host uplifting youth event

Published 6:51 pm Friday, September 18, 2015

BRIAN OLIVER In "Friend in the Dark," a film created by Harvest Church Youth Pastor Brian Oliver and the church’s youth group, Jordyn, played by Machaela Eakes, is haunted by the lurking presence of depression, a role enacted by Kevin Oliver. The film will be shown at an event, called RISE, on Saturday, at which several youth groups will provide music and drama.

In “Friend in the Dark,” a film created by Harvest Church Youth Pastor Brian Oliver and the church’s youth group, Jordyn, played by Machaela Eakes, is haunted by the lurking presence of depression, a role enacted by Kevin Oliver. The film will be shown at an event, called RISE, on Saturday, at which several youth groups will provide music and drama.

Depression is a growing epidemic among teens and adolescents. In fact, the World Health Organisation has named it the top cause of illness and disability among adolescents globally. And with such a silent and hopeless disease becoming more and more prevalent among teens, a local church youth group has headed a program that not only gives hope and direction to teen victims of depression, but also gives inspiration to Christian youth, helping them lift up their peers.

With reports from its youth about teen depression and, in some cases, even attempts and success at suicide affecting their peers, Brian Oliver, youth pastor at Harvest Church, decided it was time to address the issue, he said.

In November, Oliver, and brother, Kevin, got the idea to make a film, addressing the issue. Titled “A Friend in the Dark,” the 25-minute film tackles the issue of teen depression and provides uplifting hope in the midst of a hopeless disease. The film was made locally by Oliver and members of the church’s youth group and features actors from around the area. In the past, Oliver and the youth group have made local films, exploring issues among teens and schoolmates, he said.

“We just felt like this was a timely thing to address,” Oliver said. “We really felt the Lord saying, ‘Now is the time to make this movie.’ Several youth in our church have known people at their school, who have succeeded or tried to take their own lives. I think it’s an issue affecting young people. A lot of teens feel hopeless like they have nothing to live for, but Jesus Christ has come to bring hope. (The video) is really to counteract that sense of hopelessness that has been so prevalent among teenagers today.”

On Sept. 26 at 6 p.m., the church will host an event called RISE, designed to reach youth and give them an opportunity to reach out to their peers. It is meant for teens and college-aged adults and will be held at Harvest Church, free of charge.

In addition to a showing of the film, several youth groups will give presentations: Washington Assembly of God, Kids Ablaze Ministries and River City Christian Center will present dramas and skits, while Open Door Ministries of Greenville will provide music.

“The purpose of the night is really to show students the hope of Christ and many of them have been buried under depression and apathy and hopelessness, and the Lord is enabling them to rise up from that,” Oliver said. “It’s also a message to Christian young people to rise up to a higher place and help those who are hurting. It’s calling the hopeless to rise up to hope and calling those who already know Christ to rise up and reach out to their peers. It’s really to present a message of hope to young people in a creative way. That’s what we’re seeking to do through RISE.”

Oliver said he believes it’s good for churches to come together in unity for a common cause like the RISE program.

“We’re in different buildings, street corners and places of influence, but we also have one Lord, and we want to see him lifted up at the end of the day,” Oliver said.

Harvest Church is located at 2020 W. 15th St. in Washington. For more information, call the church at 252-833-4894.