Pamlico Writers Group present writers workshop

Published 6:14 pm Saturday, September 26, 2015

PRESS RELEASE_PAMLICO WRITERS GROUP_150927_WEBFrom the Pamlico Writers Group


A lion’s share of amateur and professional writers call Washington home. In the spirit of applauding the abundance, Pamlico Writers Group will present tools and tips to improve writing quality through a hands-on workshop to be held Oct. 10, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Turnage Theatre in Washington.

“The Dual Muse of Writing: Solitude and Synergy” will be led by Krisan Murphy, a retired teacher, writer and professional conference presenter.

Krisan holds a B.A. in English from the University of Texas and has received local and national recognition for her children’s fiction, flash fiction and nonfiction. She is a freelance writer, book reviewer for Children’s Literature, director of a Challenge program for Classical Conversations, and facilitator of a writing group for young adults.

The general public is invited to attend. The workshop charge is $30 including refreshments.

Join the Pamlico Writers Group and enjoy a discount $25 workshop fee and year-round critique group benefits. The Pamlico Writers Group meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at the Turnage Theatre. The public is invited to join.

Register for the workshop or join the Pamlico Writers Group at our website


Workshop Schedule

10 a.m.

Session 1: Starting Points
Attendees take a look at the two worlds writers must work in to succeed. It will include tips for writers as they work alone and benefits of working with other writers. Writers put pen to paper in fast-paced exercises that help breakdown writer’s block.

11 a.m.

Session 2: Sharpening Your Tools

Writers test skills and learn by doing. Krisan demonstrates the difference between showing readers and letting them touch, taste, feel, hear and smell the world that words create. Part two reveals how character and plot will help writers sharpen dialogue-writing skills.


Noon to 12:45 p.m.


1 p.m.

Session 3: Submitting Your Words
Writers guess authors and titles of famous works then go in depth to analyze the strength of these classic opening lines. To propel writers to go public with their work, writers are given simple keys to getting in the top percent of the publisher slush pile.

2 p.m.

Session 4: Modeling Synergy
The best session of the day comes last, when writers form groups to give feedback on prior submissions. In this non-intimidating session, writers learn from each other and experience first-hand the benefits of a writing critique group. Writers are given help in forming and keeping writing goals.