Your take: Alzheimer’s Walk and Education Fair

Published 12:26 pm Wednesday, October 7, 2015

AMY BREWER EDUCATION FAIR: Pictured from left are Kristen Hamilton, social worker with Beaufort County Department of Social Services, Beverly Mineo, president of Quality Home Staffing, and Amy Brewer, hospice care coordinator with Community Hospice, all of who came together Saturday at the Alzheimer's Walk in Washington to educate the community as to the wonderful local resources available for those in need in our community.

EDUCATION FAIR: Pictured from left are Kristen Hamilton, social worker with Beaufort County Department of Social Services, Beverly Mineo, president of Quality Home Staffing, and Amy Brewer, hospice care coordinator with Community Hospice, all of who came together Saturday at the Alzheimer’s Walk in Washington to educate the community as to the wonderful local resources available for those in need in our community.