Local woman promotes awareness of Bluebird population

Published 3:01 pm Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Washington Park woman recently became the first member of the North Carolina Bluebird Society in Beaufort County and hopes to promote awareness and advocacy for the bluebird population.

Sandy Rhodes recently joined the society after becoming interested in bluebirds and protecting the species, she said. A friend, who had Bluebird boxes in his yard, showed Rhodes a nest of hatchlings, and from that moment, she was hooked.

“When I researched Bluebirds, the NC Bluebird Society came up and I looked into it,” Rhodes said. “I’ve only been a member about two or three months.”

The society promotes Bluebird conservation projects, conducts educational workshops and encourages the development of nest boxes to ensure the future of the Eastern Bluebird and other cavity-nesting birds native to North Carolina, according to its website.

Rhodes purchased several Bluebird boxes from the North Carolina State Employees Credit Union and has had Bluebirds take up residence, resulting in several nests of hatchlings, she said.

Rhodes said she was asked to become the county coordinator for the society at the time she joined. Since, she has recruited several community members to join the society, and in turn, install Bluebird boxes.

“I’m excited to be in it,” Rhodes said. “I told them I didn’t mind volunteering and being the coordinator. They didn’t have anyone in the county at that time. You get really attached to (the Bluebirds) because you kind of get to know them. Now, I’m recruiting all my friends to join, and some already had boxes and are interested in joining. Eventually, maybe we could do a Bluebird get-together.”

Rhodes said she is willing to help those interested in joining by sending in an application. To join the society, an application must be sent in with $10 for dues each year.

To join the NC Bluebird Society, visit http://www.ncbluebird.org/index.html or contact Sandy Rhodes at 252-943-8822 or srhodes@hotmail.com.