Purpose of God Annex hosts its annual fundraiser dinner

Published 6:34 pm Tuesday, November 10, 2015

JONATHAN ROWE | DAILY NEWS COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Purpose of God Annex Outreach Center held a dinner fundraiser Nov. 7 to reach the community and gain support from individuals, churches and organizations of all races, as well as to show the community proof of the success its programs have had and the lives it has helped change. The local nonprofit used the event to reach more citizens in the community and inform them of its efforts to improve the community by helping children and young adults become productive citizens, as well as to recruit more businesses to hire participants in our program and volunteers to tutor in the afterschool program. The event aided POG Annex in receiving ongoing financial support to keep its programs growing locally. Pictured, Bishop Samuel Jones and Mother Regina Jones address attendees at the beginning of the fundraiser dinner. Also pictured, members of Christ Calling Christians, a multidenominational praise band performs several songs for attendees at the POG Annex fundraiser dinner.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Purpose of God Annex Outreach Center held a dinner fundraiser Nov. 7 to reach the community and gain support from individuals, churches and organizations of all races, as well as to show the community proof of the success its programs have had and the lives it has helped change. The local nonprofit used the event to reach more citizens in the community and inform them of its efforts to improve the community by helping children and young adults become productive citizens, as well as to recruit more businesses to hire participants in our program and volunteers to tutor in the afterschool program. The event aided POG Annex in receiving ongoing financial support to keep its programs growing locally. Pictured, Bishop Samuel Jones and Mother Regina Jones address attendees at the beginning of the fundraiser dinner. Also pictured, members of Christ Calling Christians, a multidenominational praise band performs several songs for attendees at the POG Annex fundraiser dinner.