Published 10:42 pm Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Down East Seniors Club held their Nov. 18 meeting at the Blind Center of North Carolina in Washington. President Stewart Rumley led the meeting. Jim Hackney played for the singing of “God Bless America” and John Tunstall gave the invocation. Jack Pyburn and Dick Paul provided humor.

President Rumley announced that Dick Robinson had suffered a heart attack but was now back home from the hospital.

Bill Cates asked for one more volunteer to ring the Salvation Army bell at Wal-mart on Dec. 5.

Ed Hamrick reminded the club of the Dec. 16 Christmas party. He passed around a signup sheet and said he had to have a final count by Dec. 9.

Charlie Moore introduced Nan McLendon, broker with The Rich Company real estate. She spoke about scaling down one’s living space. She recommended that the first step should be to talk to a realtor for advice and direction. Before a home is put on the market it should be “staged” or cleared of clutter and have the remaining items attractively arranged. There are people who specialize in this function. All possessions should be sorted into three piles — items to keep, items to give away, and items to sell or trash. There are services that will determine the value of furniture and other items. The realtor can assist with selling the current home and locating a suitable new home.

Jack Pyburn won the 50/50 drawing.

There will be no meeting next week to allow the members to prepare for Thanksgiving.