Pamlico Life: Kiwanis, Blind Center team up for blood drive

Published 7:44 pm Friday, December 11, 2015

KEVIN SCOTT CUTLER | DAILY NEWS SETTING AN EXAMPLE: Kiwanis Club president Stuart O'Neal donates his 15th pint of blood during the drive held Thursday at The Blind Center.

SETTING AN EXAMPLE: Kiwanis Club president Stuart O’Neal donates his 15th pint of blood during the drive held Thursday at The Blind Center.

The most important gift this holiday season won’t be found under the Christmas tree, and the Washington Kiwanis Club and The Blind Center of Washington teamed up with the American Red Cross to make sure that gift will be available to those who need it.

Leading by example, Kiwanis President Stuart O’Neal was among the first to roll up his sleeve and donate blood Thursday afternoon. The two local organizations partnered for the event, the second held this year. The previous blood drive was held in late July.

“We’d love to do it twice a year, every year,” O’Neal said. “I give as often as I can; you can donate blood every 56 days.”

KEVIN SCOTT CUTLER | DAILY NEWS BLOOD DRIVE: The Washington Kiwanis Club and The Blind Center partner to sponsor a pre-holiday blood drive.

BLOOD DRIVE: The Washington Kiwanis Club and The Blind Center partner to sponsor a pre-holiday blood drive.

O’Neal’s most recent donation brought his total to 15 pints. His donation and the others collected by the Red Cross Thursday were processed in Norfolk later that night and then sent to clinics that are in need. Each pint of blood helps three patients.

“This is one way we can give back to the community on a larger scale,” O’Neal noted.

When it comes to helping in the community, the Kiwanis Club is a busy group of people, according to longtime member Gil Davis. Club members organize the Washington Christmas parade with the City of Washington, ring bells for the Salvation Army, host blood drives and sponsor Terrific Kids awards, Key Clubs and a Builders Club in local schools. Annual fundraisers include a golf tournament and lobster sale.

Anyone interested in joining the Washington Kiwanis Club may contact O’Neal at 252-940-4701 or via email at The club meets each Tuesday at noon at King Chicken in Washington.

KEVIN SCOTT CUTLER | DAILY NEWS KEEPING RECORDS: Bianca Outerbridge, American Red Cross team supervisor, sorts and records donations.

KEEPING RECORDS: Bianca Outerbridge, American Red Cross team supervisor, sorts and records donations.