Washington (evening) Rotary learns about ‘entrepreneurial initiative’

Published 12:47 pm Friday, February 26, 2016

The Washington (evening) Rotary Club held its regular meeting Thursday evening, Feb. 25, at the Washington Yacht & Country Club.

WASHINGTON EVENING ROTARY CLUB ENTREPREURIAL: Marty Hackney spoke at a recent Washington (evening) Rotary Club meeting about her work with East Carolina University. Hackney is picture with program director Sandy Mitchell.

ENTREPRENEURIAL: Marty Hackney spoke at a recent Washington (evening) Rotary Club meeting about her work with East Carolina University. Hackney is picture with program director Sandy Mitchell.

President David McLawhorn called the meeting to order, Dr. Tim Klugh led in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance, Bartow Houston led the singing of “My Country ‘ Tis of Thee,” and Lt. Bruce Rabon, club chaplain, offered the blessing.

Following the meal, Tim Klugh gave an update regarding the annual Charlie Griffin Memorial Fishing Tournament — a major fundraising event — scheduled for June 4.

Program chairman Sandy Mitchell introduced Marty Hackney, a native, who is director of Entrepreneurial Initiative in the Office of Innovation and Economic Development at East Carolina University.

Ms. Hackney holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro and a master’s from ECU.

She gave an informative and very interesting overview of the complex structure of the Entrepreneurial Initiative and its myriad components, all of which are geared to raising funding, and providing information and expertise in assisting business startups.

She provided numerous examples of successful ventures launched in eastern Carolina over the past few years that received support from her office. The success of some of these endeavors is quite impressive.

At the conclusion of her presentation, which was followed by questions from some of the members, President McLawhorn presented Ms. Hackney with the highly coveted Rotary (writing) pen, as a token of appreciation for her outstanding presentation.

The meeting concluded with the recitation of the Rotary “Four-Way Test” of the things we think, say, or do:  1.  Is it the Truth?  2.  Is it Fair to all concerned?  3.  Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?  4.  Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

President McLawhorn then challenged all members to “be a gift to the world.”