Meeting an opportunity to join bluebird movement

Published 9:47 pm Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sandy Rhodes, through an opportunity presented to her by friend Bobby Parker, was introduced to an avid hobby, one that led her to become Beaufort County coordinator for the North Carolina Bluebird Society.

“He told me he had bluebirds out, and he asked would I like to go see them,” Rhodes recounted. “So I said, ‘OK.’ He opened the box, took out the nest, and I touched the (baby bluebirds).”

At first, Rhodes was skeptical, however. She said she had always believed that if a human interferes with a bird nest, the mother of any hatchlings would not return to care for her young.

“I really didn’t believe him until then,” Rhodes said. “I thought that was so unique that I got me a box, and we have had several nestings in our backyard since. I was hooked after that because they were so fun to watch, and I couldn’t believe you could go out and take them out and see them like that. They’re not intimidated by having people around them.”

Since, Rhodes has led a countywide mission to promote bluebird advocacy, education and proliferation through forming a group to join the Society.

Since bluebirds are beginning to nest for the first time this year — bluebirds nest sometimes two or three times per year — Rhodes has scheduled a meeting for those who have expressed interest in joining the Bluebird Society, which has led the statewide movement to help bluebirds grow in population.

“The eastern bluebird population had become so small, some people were so concerned they were in danger of becoming extinct,” Rhodes said. “That’s what fostered this whole movement. The goal is to foster the resurgence of bluebirds.”

Though the meeting was originally set to take place at Golden Corral, the restaurant’s closing has forced the meeting to be moved to Pizza Inn on Tuesday at 6 p.m.

Rhodes said the meeting will provide an opportunity for people to join the Society, with membership costing $10 per year. The membership dues are used to build bird boxes for bluebirds to nest.

“This (meeting) is to educate people about bluebirds and give them the tools to help bluebirds increase in numbers,” Rhodes said. “We’re hoping people will decide to attend. This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor.”

For more information, contact Sandy Rhodes at 252-943-8822 or by email at