Moms deserve the highest praise

Published 3:32 pm Friday, May 6, 2016



From rocking a child to sleep, to changing diapers and teaching basic skills, to offering support and seeing a child through school, mothers do it all.

Sunday is Mother’s Day, and undoubtedly, it is one of the most important days of the year — across the nation and right here in Beaufort County.

Without mothers, the world just wouldn’t work like it should. Moms play crucial roles in the family setting: caregiver, nurturer, protector, provider and supporter. They wear many hats throughout the day, and do it without the expectation of something in return.

There is nothing like the bond of mother and child, from birth and into the child’s adulthood. It’s a bond that surpasses even the father’s connection.

Most mothers would do just about anything for their children, and while being a parent can be a rewarding experience, it also includes the messy, smelly, annoying and downright baffling parts, too.

Mother’s Day offers the opportunity to take a minute to say “thank you.” In reality, saying “thank you” doesn’t begin to cover the debts owed to a mom, but it’s a good start, and one that’s easily forgotten.

Whether it’s to a biological mother or a mother figure, pick up the phone and simply say, “I love you.” Life is too short as it is, and time to spend with one’s mom is especially so.

It’s easy to put it off another day, but remember that no one has the promise of time. Treasure the moments with mom and make sure she knows how special she is. Make the time to go visit her, or at least play an active role in her life. Show interest in what she does, and in her later stage of life, make sure she receives the best care.

It doesn’t matter if one is 5 or 65 years old. A mother is always needed.

To all the moms out there: thank you … for everything.