Extension to ‘Roundup’ pesticides

Published 6:48 pm Monday, May 16, 2016

FILE PHOTO BEFRIENDING THE ENVIRONMENT: The Beaufort County Cooperative Extension is encouraging area residents to bring in any unused, outdated chemicals to be properly disposed of. The Pesticide Collection Day will be held Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Beaufort County Cooperative Extension office.

BEFRIENDING THE ENVIRONMENT: The Beaufort County Cooperative Extension is encouraging area residents to bring in any unused, outdated chemicals to be properly disposed of. The Pesticide Collection Day will be held Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Beaufort County Cooperative Extension office.

The Beaufort County Cooperative Extension is gearing up for its Pesticide Collection Day, inviting area residents to bring any unused chemicals to be properly disposed.

The collection day is held every other year in Beaufort County, according to Gene Fox, agriculture and consumer horticulture agent. Wednesday is the last opportunity for residents to bring chemicals to be disposed of properly for the next two years.

Fox said the collection day is hosted through the Extension by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to help homeowners get rid of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides in a safe and environmentally friendly way.

“It keeps pesticides (and other chemicals) out of landfills,” Fox said. “It keeps people from dumping (chemicals) illegally. It gives homeowners an outlet to get rid of these chemicals so they’re not dumping in their yard or throwing them in the ditch.”

Fox said many of these types of chemicals can be harmful to the environment and should be disposed of properly. Dumping chemicals can cause them to seep into waterways or find their way into other places that can cause harm to the environment and wildlife.

“It depends on the chemical,” Fox said. “Roundup is not supposed to be sprayed in water. It’s not rated for water. It can cause harm to aquatic organisms if it’s dumped in the water.”

Nearly all pesticides will be accepted, according to Rod Gurganus. For liquid pesticide containers larger than five gallons or for unlabeled pesticides, residents should contact the Extension office for information before bringing them to the collection event. No gas cylinders are accepted at the event; however, assistance information can be provided.

Fox said if residents have chemicals that have been sitting in their garage or barns and are outdated and not being used, they should bring them in.

“If you have old chemicals around your garage, and you really need to get rid of them, now is the time to do it,” Fox said. “A homeowner may not use the chemical up fast enough for the chemical to retain its efficacy. It’s not as potent, but it’s still a viable chemical we don’t need to be throwing out into the environment.”

The collection day will be held Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Beaufort County Cooperative Extension.

The Beaufort County Cooperative Extension is located at 155 Airport Road in Washington. For more information, contact the Extension at 252-946-0111.