McLawhorn to lead Rotary

Published 4:54 pm Friday, July 1, 2016

The Washington (evening) Rotary Club met June 30 at the Washington Yacht & Country Club.

Following a social and fellowship gathering in the Upper Deck, club members repaired to the Pamlico Room at 6:30 p.m.

President David McLawhorn convened the meeting, and members recited the “Pledge of Allegiance,” sang “America the Beautiful,” then Dr. McLawhorn gave an invocation.

Following the meal, the president provided updates and status reports on various aspects of the club’s involvement in numerous activities.

Member Rocky Jacobs — “Mr. Rotary” — then came before the club to conduct the installation of the 2016-17 president.

Due to the untimely passing of Whit Blackstone, who at the time was president-elect, and who was a real Rotary stalwart, Dr. McLawhorn graciously consented to lead the club for another year. His wife, Terri Ann, joined her husband to affix the president’s pin on her husband’s suit coat.

This pin has been worn by club presidents for many decades.

After the installation President McLawhorn thanked the members for all the support given him over the year, with special accolades for Bill Wall, Sam Grimes and Dr. Tim Klugh.

With no further business to come before the club, members recited Rotary’s Four-Way Test, after which the president adjourned the meeting with the challenge to “Be a gift to the world.”