Library’s gardens revamped through club project

Published 8:34 pm Thursday, August 4, 2016

It’s been a work in progress over the years — the gardens at Brown Library. The most recent project to revamp the gardens was spearheaded to beautify the grounds for those who visit the library.

The Washington Garden Club has been responsible for maintaining the gardens for years, but a newer member of the club, Jenny Hoagland, headed the project to revitalize the gardens, a much needed undertaking, according to Peg Franklin, a 10-year club member who assisted with the revamp.

The main garden, where an arbor stands, is now full of colorful perennials such as phlox, Rudbeckia, Garnet Coreopsis, daylilies and others. The arbor was overcome by vines but has since been redone to host honey suckle. Other flowers and shrubs that can be seen in the garden include Lemon drop, Monarda ‘Petite Delight,’ Soft Touch Compact Holly and azaleas, which were there prior to the revitalization, to name a few.

The bed adjacent to the parking lot facing U.S. Highway 17, which wasn’t touched by the club prior to the revamp, contains Canna lilies, Echniacea and more.

“It’s going to be really pretty when it’s all in bloom,” said Sally Brodie, club president. “There are a lot of things that bloom all year round. It’s been given a much-needed facelift. It’s surely looking good out there.”

Franklin said Hoagland led the planning of the garden and what plants would be removed and what would be newly planted.

“(Hoagland) decided she wanted to take (the Brown Library gardens) on, and it needed a lot of attention,” Franklin said. “She decided the way to do it is redo it almost completely. She left some of the shrubs, but other than that, we’ve covered a lot of it. Previously, we didn’t do all the area that was done this time. (Hoagland) has really done this. We’ve worked pretty hard, and she’s worked the hardest of all.”

JONATHAN ROWE | DAILY NEWS REVAMP: The Brown Library gardens, kept by the Washington Garden Club for years, has gotten a new facelift, thanks to a project spearheaded by a small group of club members. The garden is now home to colorful perennials, annuals and various shrubs, which are surrounded by mulch, part of which was provided by the City of Washington.

REVAMP: The Brown Library gardens, kept by the Washington Garden Club for years, has gotten a new facelift, thanks to a project spearheaded by a small group of club members. The garden is now home to colorful perennials, annuals and various shrubs, which are surrounded by mulch, part of which was provided by the City of Washington.

Hoagland picked tough and hearty plants and flowers that would not require a lot of watering once established, Franklin said. Some were ordered by mail, others were purchased from Lowe’s Home Improvements. Hoagland potted some of the smaller plants and kept them at home until they were ready to plant at the garden, according to Franklin.

The club didn’t stand alone in the endeavor, however, Franklin said. Help came from the City of Washington in the form of removal of unattractive shrubs on a side bed adjacent to the parking lot facing U.S. Highway 17, as well as a load of mulch for use in the beds, according to Franklin. Support from library staff was also provided.

Franklin said the project is part of what the club does at various locations around town, including a garden at the corner of Third and Market streets, Harding Square and others. Not only does the club’s work promote gardening and civic beautification, but also education of plants, shrubs and flowers, she said.

The club will set up a stand inside Brown Library, providing information about the various flora in its gardens.

“We’ve worked on the library garden for a long time,” Franklin said. “It’s for everybody to enjoy.

Brown Library is located at 122 Van Norden St. in Washington.