Exceptional children enjoy special activities

Published 4:01 pm Friday, November 11, 2016

The volunteers with ACCEPT and ExCEL keep busy making sure that special activities are always available to exceptional children and their families.

The groups were formed by Allison Crisp and Allen and Donna Pittman several years ago.

“ACCEPT and ExCEL are joint organizations offering a variety of activities and outings for exceptional children and their families with understanding and acceptance,” Crisp said. “Our cause is to help our communities see and understand that because one is ‘different,’ one is not less.”

In recent weeks, the children have enjoyed an outing to farm day festivities hosted by The Arc of Beaufort County and Eastern Antique Power Association in Chocowinity. They have also participated in the fire truck pull during Washington’s Smoke on the Water, and the organizations’ annual baseball season recently ended.

“We offer monthly activities such as Bounce Up Party Night and Saturday Morning Fun Days,” Crisp said. “We enjoy group outings to local festivals, the aquarium and the bird park, to name a few. We are working now to set up a monthly swim time, and we are in the process of trying to put in place kickball and basketball seasons.”

For more information about ACCEPT and ExCEL activities, contact Crisp at 252-623-9381 or the Pittmans at 252-412-5400.

