Merry Christmas to all

Published 6:16 pm Friday, December 23, 2016


It’s finally here.

Wading through Christmas decorations in stores since October, braving the rush of shoppers looking to buy gifts and battling with wrapping paper and bows has all come down to Sunday.

Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year. However, it is undoubtedly a stressful time of year, as well.

Take some time to relax this holiday and spend much-needed time with loved ones. Christmas isn’t supposed to be about gifts and store profits; it’s supposed to be about the spirit of giving and joy.

Sound corny? Sure does. But it doesn’t make it any less true.

With all of the nasty brawling during this election year, at all levels, residents deserve a break, and they deserve a day to put all of it aside.

Look up from the TVs and smartphones at family gatherings. Be present and make extra effort to enjoy the time spent with loved ones.

If one is flying solo this year or having to work, still take the time to make it special for others. Bring a “Christmas dinner” to work, or go volunteer at one of Beaufort County’s nonprofits. Zion Shelter and Kitchen, for example, would be glad to have extra hands to help serve meals.

There are so many ways to pay it forward, and sitting at home alone is not a satisfactory option.

Joy and giving will make for a much better holiday than focusing on materialistic aspects. Christmas is what people make of it.

As the big day passes this weekend, take a deep breath and just relax. Remember the spirit of the holiday, rather than the presents. You’ve certainly earned a break.

Merry Christmas!