Fifth-graders deliver blankets to cancer center

Published 6:03 pm Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Students from Bath Elementary School made a special Christmas delivery to the Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center on Dec. 19. Sixty-five fifth-grade students along with their teachers, Blake Bullock, Terri Ussery and Heather VanStaalduinen, presented 65 blankets, 75 pairs of socks and word search puzzles to comfort patients receiving treatment at the cancer center.

Attached to each blanket and pair of socks was a “JOY” note from one of the fifth-graders.

“We wanted to show kids the true gift of giving … the sweet joy this is wrapped up in our heart when we give,” VanStaalduinen said. “The students chose the cancer center to give to because unfortunately cancer is a familiar word to all of them.”

During the gift presentation in the hospital lobby, several students shared personal words of how they were giving in honor of loved ones in their lives that have been affected by cancer. They ended their presentation with these words: “May the spirit of Christmas bring joy to your heart and happiness to your home! May Jesus be the light of Christmas celebration.”