Pinetown Ruritan gives to families in need

Published 12:08 pm Friday, January 6, 2017

In November, the Pinetown Ruritan Club presented 12 food boxes to individuals and families in the community who were in need. Each box contained a turkey and all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal as well as additional canned and boxed foods.

In December, through a Secret Santa program, we filled the Christmas lists of 10 children whose families were not able to provide gifts for them. The list of names was given to us by school counselors. Though some had requested toys, most of the requests were for clothing.

At this time, we would also like to thank those in our community who have donated to our Secret Santa program and those who have participated in any of our fundraising activities throughout the year. We could not do this without your support.

Ruritan is a national organization dedicated to improving communities and building a better America through “Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service.”