Helping to make America great again

Published 5:56 pm Thursday, January 19, 2017

I am a 21-year-old Washington native who is a full-time student at East Carolina University with a major in political science and history, as well as working at the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office. I have been interested in politics since high school when I did an internship with the 3rd Congressional District Republican Party. Because of my passion during this internship, at 19 I ran for vice-chairman of the 3rd Congressional District and was elected to this position by fellow Republicans within the district.

Throughout the past election cycle, I have worked with many Republican candidates that include but are not limited to N.C. Donald J. Trump Committee, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest Committee, Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-3) Committee, and Dr. Greg Murphy (NC-9). This historic presidential election sparked my interest in wanting to attend the Presidential Inauguration. Although many people say that all presidential elections are historic and monumental, this election truly was, in my opinion. With poll numbers, media outlets and all odds against him, Trump still won, which is unlike an election of the past. As Donald Trump takes office, I am anxiously awaiting to see how he heals the division of the country with civil rights issues and rising racial tensions.

My expectations for the turnout of the Inauguration is that many individuals will be in attendance, unlike some reports. Trump had the ability to draw large crowds, many made up of people who were not politically active but attended his rallies and went out to vote for him. He visited rural areas and stopped in towns that were not popular to previous presidential candidates. There are many concerns about the number of protesters present, but protesters have been at almost every Inauguration, so I am not worried about them.

While many millennials identify with the Democratic Party, it is critical that President Trump proves to my generation that Republicans are working with them, not against them. From a very young age, I have found that my views align more with the Republican views and values. I am very excited and honored to have been invited to the Inauguration and I look forward to supporting President Trump and assisting in making America great again.

Joseph Knox