Visibility is the first step

Published 1:45 am Monday, January 23, 2017

Hope that you enjoyed the last series of articles pertaining to a brief sketch of our city’s history. With that, please let me give you my reflections over the past year since taking this new opportunity.

First, it is my privilege to be in a position that allows me to give back to my hometown. Washington was good to me, just as it has been to many of us over the years. Far too many will not realize this until it is too late for them to give back and be of help to their beloved Washington.

The Washington Harbor District Alliance’s main goal is to help our central business district continue to be sustainable and grow through proper economic development avenues. As a nonprofit, this can only be done through charitable donations. Since last February, we can proudly say that the number of concerned citizens has grown, and hopefully we can double that next year. Our corporate and major sponsorships have also grown, and because of these fine companies, we have taken major strides in our improvements. Thanks! Our priority this first year was visibility for the WHDA, and because of these funds, we have been able to do so. We hope next year we can see an increase in funding, so that we can be even more productive in the future.

Another area of growing visibility has been more involvement in and through organizations that are beneficial to the central business district. To name a few, City Council, expos, weekly email blasts, town manager meetings, speaking engagements, county commissioners’ meetings and the Committee of 100.

Through the weekly email blasts to local merchants, we have tried to assure them that we are here to help them and only want to keep them better informed on what we are doing. They have responded in such a positive manner and more so than other merchants from surrounding towns.

Special thanks to Mr. Roland Weyman, who singlehandedly has upgraded our website and continues to coordinate our presence on social media. Our Facebook and website have received more hits than ever because of his diligence. Weyman also handles our advertisements and possible wording of all advertisements over the media that benefits our central business district. It is not often that I single any person out, but thank you, Mr. Weyman!

It is my opinion that over the next few years, we may need some legislative help. We have visited our legislature twice since last year, and each time have been welcomed and appreciate its efforts in the revitalization of the central business district. The WHDA hopes to continue to foster a lasting relationship that will only help our downtown.

We feel that the best source of information is face-to- face meetings with business leaders in our community. There are many that have concerns, and we appreciate their shared ideas and support. We have gained a wealth of knowledge from these leaders, and it always interests me to learn from others who have far more intellect than me. They have given us ideas, information and contacts that might help us grow our downtown.

There is so much more to reflect on, but the best news to share is that our downtown continues to survive thanks to you! You have supported our merchants, and I hope this will more than double over the next year. Again, they are our friends, and we need to work with them and not against, as we together are Washington, and we cannot be divided. Please shop, dine and play in beautiful, historic Washington, N.C., and if you are not too tired … take a walk with the H-Rob.

Harold Robinson is the executive director of the Washington Harbor District Alliance.