Choices are a good thing

Published 4:07 pm Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jan. 22-28 is designated as National School Choice Week.

School Choice Week is meant to encourage families to assess the options for K-12 education for their children in the 2017-2018 school year.

In North Carolina, there are 586 events planned to commemorate this week, according to a press release.

“Parents in the Tar Heel State can choose from the following education options for their children: traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, online academies, private schools and homeschooling. The state also has a program allowing qualifying children, in some cases, to receive scholarships to attend private schools,” the release states.

School Choice Week is a positive event for families and students to take charge of their education. Whether at a public school or an alternative one, students have a right to be educated and to be educated in a way that fits their needs. It’s impossible to provide education tailored to every single child, but families at least have the opportunity to find the option for a better fit.

This doesn’t mean some schools are better than others. Beaufort County, for example, has dedicated educators leading the way in its public schools, its private schools scattered around the county, its Montessori school and homeschool options. No matter the funding cuts or growing responsibilities of teachers, students in Beaufort County are almost guaranteed to have educators who care and put their all into the job.

Instead of bringing “educational politics” into the mix this week, take this time to celebrate the opportunities students do have. Educating future doctors, lawyers, farmers, manufacturers or teachers should remain a top priority, no matter what’s happening on the state and federal levels.

Take advantage of this week to explore other options for family members, especially if the current mode of education doesn’t seem to be working. Visit for more information.