Choosing what’s most important

Published 3:42 pm Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Unrest continues to grow on an international scale in light of President Donald Trump’s immigration ban.

On Friday, Trump issued an executive order temporarily banning immigration from seven countries and immigration related to the United States’ refugee program. The order has drawn criticism all over the world and led to protests, including one on Sunday at Raleigh-Durham International Airport that drew more than 1,000 people.

Washington, N.C., is about 300 miles away from Washington, D.C., and more than 100 miles away from Raleigh. However, this immigration ban does matter to the citizens of Beaufort County.

Citizens have some important questions to answer: Should North Carolina fight to accept the immigrants/refugees referenced in the order? Is the safety of Americans, or the American premise of accepting the tired and poor, more important right now? Is this the best way to prevent against radicals’ attacks? Where do international alliances end and ‘America first’ ideals begin?

No matter what side one may choose, everyone can agree on the importance of this issue. Both immigration and protecting the land of the free have served as common themes in the centuries of American history. Striking a balance between the two is as relevant today as it was in the 1770s.

Local politics and happenings are important and affect Beaufort County residents most directly, but it is also important to know what is happening in the higher offices. Pay attention, stay informed and acknowledge the potential consequences.

The rolling flatlands and agriculture-based industries, the estuarine Pamlico River and its related occupations, and the historic charm of the Original Washington are all factors in the fabric of America. Beaufort County’s citizens owe it to their neighbors and their country as a whole to stay abreast of the issues.

Out of such conflict can come clarity.