Evening Rotary welcomes ECU student

Published 3:32 pm Friday, February 3, 2017

The Washington (evening) Rotary Club held its weekly meeting Thursday at the Washington Yacht & Country Club.

Members enjoyed a social period in the Upper Deck, then assembled in the Pamlico Room, where club president Dr. David McLawhorn convened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Rocky Jacobs led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance, Bartow Houston had them join with him in the singing of “My Country ’tis of Thee,” and Russell Smith gave the blessing.

Following the meal President McLawhorn called upon Brownie Futrell, program chairman for the evening, to introduce the speaker. He did so by providing pertinent information about Melissa A. Henley, a student at East Carolina University, who is majoring in dance performance, with a minor in exercise and sport science.

Henley, a native Washingtonian, spoke with enthusiasm about her studies, (which includes being on the Honor Roll, National Honors Society for Dance Arts, and a School of Dance and Theater scholarship recipient, all of which was noted on her resume, but not mentioned in her presentation).

Her main focus was telling about a three-weeks abroad summer opportunity in London where she can attend classes with experts in the field of dance technique and dance science. The first part of the program will be hosted by Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, which is one of the most reputable programs in the world.

Financial assistance to help Ms. Henley attend this study abroad program will be, of course, much appreciated. Any who would be inclined to help her realize this exceptional educational experience may do so sending their contribution to Melissa A. Henley at 365 Cotanche St., Greenville, NC 27858.

Following a question and answer time, President McLawhorn presented her with a highly coveted Rotary pen.

Rocky Jacobs then led the club in reciting the Rotary 4-Way Test, after which President McLawhorn declared the meeting adjourned.