More reasons why our downtown is important

Published 12:22 am Monday, March 6, 2017

Last week we touched on reasons why our downtown is important. Let us finish this series today with three more reasons why downtown matters.

Downtown Washington represents independent businesses. We are fortunate to have retail, restaurants and professional offices in our central business district. These support local families, and in many cases, native-born Washingtonians. They are called upon to support local community projects more than our big box companies or outside merchants. With $68 out of every $100 staying within the city limits, it is important to shop local. Our merchants make sure their profits are reinvested in the local economy instead of sent to a corporate office in distant cities. Shop at a major chain store and very little money is retained. With online shopping, even less will remain in Washington or Beaufort County. How many times have you asked a major chain store for a donation and gotten it? Enough said!

Besides being good neighbors, our downtown merchants know their customers. They know the needs of their clientele and sell to their customer base. Big box stores sell and charge what their corporate offices suggest. We have found that local merchants make sure that their customers are taken care of in a friendly environment, where you are not coaxed by salesmen to buy. You may come to visit and not feel obligated to purchase. They are friendly and caring people just trying to make a living by providing an eclectic selection of merchandise.

Lastly, but certainly not the least, there is only one downtown Washington! Our harbor district has its own personality that is unique within itself — from business professionals, restaurants and shops that offer a friendly and enthusiastic atmosphere. Visitors fall in love with downtown Washington, and it has emerged as an attractive option for some to enjoy shopping and walking on the waterfront.

Your WHDA, along with our sister organizations, has tried to promote our central business district in many ways. In collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and First South Bank, we will continue to promote our “Shop Local” campaign and energetically be more visible to you.

For many this is home, and even to those who have just moved here, we ask you to support our local merchants. Keeping our rich heritage that was passed on to us by our parents is vitally important.

Connectivity, activity generators, history and independent business are only words unless we support our downtown merchants. We only have one.

If your WHDA can ever be of help to you to make your shopping experience more pleasurable, please do not hesitate to call. And once again, please always shop, dine and play in beautiful Washington, N.C.! If you have time, please take a walk with the H-Rob!

Harold Robinson is the director of development at the Washington Harbor District Alliance.