Beautiful springtime in Beaufort County

Published 4:21 pm Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The weather is finally coming around from winter to spring. Last week’s mid-70s climate perfectly ushered in the start of the spring athletics season for Beaufort County high schools, and was also kind to those who took the trip to Greenville for East Carolina baseball’s Keith LeClair Classic.

Winter wasn’t too long this year. Snow and ice didn’t threaten the area like in years past. Even so, springtime brings an end to a period in which so many spend hours cooped up inside their offices, schools or homes.

Spring in Beaufort County is beautiful. Take a day to appreciate all that the area has to offer, that is if you can get past the recent explosion of pollen long enough to take a stroll and appreciate the blooming flowers.

Walk around the neighborhood in the morning before heading to work, and take a lap around the office during a lunch break. Open a window to let in fresh air. There are plenty of ways for one to bring the season’s wonderful weather into the day. It helps to break up a lifestyle that can be monotonous during the winter.

There’s so much more to do. One could walk around the waterfront in the winter, but few dared to get out on the water. Now is a good time for folks who have taken a brief hiatus from fishing expeditions to return to the river.

There’s plenty more exploring that can be done on any given day. One can wander around Goose Creek State Park, admiring nature as it returns to form. It’s an effective way to take in local sights and to get some exercise.

Finally, end a day cheering on local athletes. Beaufort County’s competitors have been preparing since the winter. Take in a baseball or a soccer game, or a tennis match. It’s usually a fun and relaxing way to wrap up another spring day in Beaufort County.