Washington’s people make it a unique place to be

Published 12:38 am Monday, April 24, 2017

Please let me deviate a little this week and not write about our downtown or revitalization, but rather the genuine uniqueness of Washington — the people!

Our citizens represent all that is good in the world. Whether you ride a bike or drive a Mercedes, wherever we travel, all I hear is how nice and polite the citizens of Washington are to visitors. This is such a compliment and means more than dollars can ever buy. Any success we may have will be directly attributed to you, and rightfully so. Let me tell you about some recent moments that have brought this uniqueness to my attention.

Recently, a high school classmate and her sister returned home, and some of her friends had them for lunch at one of our eateries. When told about this, I asked if it would be all right to just drop by and extend my welcome. When I arrived inside and stood at the bottom of the steps, I heard laughter and good conversation from above. It was not hard to identify those voices. They were friends and all Washingtonians. Time almost froze for me listening to the laughter and happiness that two sisters had returned to visit their friends, and what a reception! It was a moment in life that will always be remembered, and friendship like that cannot be bought.

Another time when the Washington persona is portrayed to me is in the morning at breakfast. Each morning there are groups (mostly men) who gather for coffee and breakfast at different restaurants around town. The topic of conversation is as different as the food that is served. Trust me, many of the world’s problems are solved at these gatherings, and many games are won or lost depending on the person speaking. There is no age barrier or class distinction, just men gathering for breakfast and conversation and a chance to bond with one another, if for only an hour before heading to work. Still, a uniqueness.

A third time was at a recent City Council meeting. Whether the outcome was right or wrong, our council listened to the constituents. Personally, I did not know who was right or wrong, but I listened and watched friends present their side, and it was most enlightening. These were Washingtonians at their best, and I was so proud of their presentations and the hard work they put into this issue facing our city.

In life, we take many things for granted and fail to appreciate the little things that will grow into the big picture. I too am guilty, like so many others. Let us all learn to enjoy our friends and be especially proud of our town. Having only really lived in one other town (and it was also special), I never forgot where I was raised. It has its own uniqueness — the people.

Let me conclude, as always, by asking you to shop, dine and play in our beautiful and historic downtown.

Like our citizens, it is also unique! Please experience this as you give our merchants the first chance to buy and keep our cash registers ringing, and if you have time, you can take a walk with the H-Rob!

Harold Robinson is the director of development at the Washington Harbor District Alliance.