Determining a mission and vision for WHDA

Published 10:51 pm Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Washington Harbor District Alliance, in order to be a more effective organization, recently held a two-day retreat to better prepare for our future growth and development. Our facilitator was Sherry Adams, CMSM, with the North Carolina Main Street Program. Adams guided us expertly in helping redefine our mission, vision and goals moving forward. As readers, you need to understand the meaning of these words and their impact on any organization.

Let us start with a mission statement. A mission statement was defined years ago to me as, “it is like the motor that turns the wheels.” It is what turns the motor, but the car must have some direction and someone to guide it. While driving any vehicle, we are given signs that let us know we are moving in the right direction. The WHDA has a clear and purposeful mission to help improve the economic conditions and quality of life while serving as a facilitator and catalyst to renew, restore, rebuild and invest in the Harbor District. So, our motor is turning, and we are heading in a clear and definitive direction according to our mission statement.

When an organization or person has a vision, they know where they want to go, and it is easier to get there. They may not see the entire path clearly, but because of the mission statement along with the vision, they are heading in the right direction, rather than like a runaway freight train with no direction.

The WHDA is staying focused on its mission, so that we will always be heading in the right direction and reach our destination. Our vision is our signposts, and what is our vision? It is clear: our vision is that the Washington Harbor District is the center for arts, unique shops, diverse festivals, and is the center for interplay with the Pamlico River. The WHDA embraces its historic port town’s past and helps grow businesses and residences that promote its future. That, friends, is the definition of a mission statement with a vision in two paragraphs!

Our last step was to define our goals. Goals are so very important as they can keep you focused on your vision. They are the road signs that will let you know you are heading toward your vision and not straying. They answer the “when” and “how much?” Goals can be attainable or high enough that you may never reach them. Some like to set high goals that might be reached in a year, and others like reachable goals that can be attained daily. This was a task we were left to complete (goals), and they will be discussed later.

The WHDA, moving forward after a lengthy and valuable retreat, has better defined our mission and vision and has goals to work toward using these two valuable components. You will have to agree that this self-study was an opportunity for us to grow, and we hope you will want to join. We can only do so much, but with your help, we can always do so much more! Please help by joining the WHDA so that we can better serve our beautiful Harbor District. It is the front porch of our city!

As always, let me urge you to shop, dine and play in beautiful Washington, along the banks of the Pamlico, and if you have time, you can take a walk with the H-Rob! Love you!

Harold Robinson is the director of development at the Washington Harbor District Alliance.