Town manager presents Columbia Tax Report

Published 6:43 pm Tuesday, June 6, 2017

At the end of April Columbia property owners had paid the town tax collector $238,541, or 92.46% of the tax levied last June, town manager Rhett White reported to the board of aldermen on May 1.

That current-year tax collection percentage was 91.99% on the same date a year earlier.

General Fund revenues from all sources amounted to $531,384 on April 30, 65% of the $816,977 budgeted last spring to operate the town for 12 months.

General Fund expenditures amounted to $692,531 at April 30, 84% of the $816,977 budgeted for the fiscal year.

Revenues in the Water & Sewer Fund amounted to $714,374, or 90% of the $787,985 budgeted for the year.

Water & Sewer Fund expenditures as of April 30 were $457,519, or 58% of the $787,985 the aldermen anticipated spending during the year.