Hard work and integrity

Published 4:01 pm Thursday, June 8, 2017

For the majority of high school seniors in Beaufort County, tomorrow is one of the biggest days of their lives.

Graduation day brings about many emotions, from joy and sadness, to nostalgia and nervousness. It is a sort of sendoff for 17- and 18-year-olds. In a way, it signals the official start of adulthood for those students.

These coming years are important, and they are a formative period for students. There are many lessons yet to be learned, but one of the most important lessons is to work hard and to have integrity.

As the graduates go out into the world — whether at college, a military training base or the workforce — they now represent their families, and they represent Beaufort County. That’s a big deal.

Life can be a tough pill to swallow, and there are bound to be good times and bad. The important thing to remember is to keep pushing forward and remain honest while doing it. Money is spent and diploma paper fades, but having a good reputation behind one’s name is something that is not so easily forgotten.

It’s still an essential lesson to many families in Beaufort County, despite a changing world that may not feel the same.

Parents or guardians of the graduates have spent years looking after them, encouraging them and caring for them. From the first day of school as a nervous kindergartner, to the extensive preparation for senior prom night, they’ve always been there. They’ve taught the lessons, and now it’s time for those lessons to stick.

Thank you, parents and guardians, for helping the graduates get ready for what’s to come. And to the educators who helped them make it to the stage: thank you.

If you have a moment, take some time to flip through the 2017 Graduation Guide, inserted into Friday’s paper. Take a look at those proud graduates and see if there’s anyone familiar.

The future awaits. Congrats, graduates!