Nonprofit hopes to help children, increase outdoor adventures

Published 6:12 pm Thursday, June 8, 2017

Sometimes a helping hand is all it takes.

That’s what Lisa Adams, founder of Angels N Camo, serves to many children with life-threatening illnesses in Beaufort County.

“It’s all about watching the kids forget about whatever issues they are facing. (Those issues) are just kind of gone for the day,” Adams said.

Angels N Camo, a nonprofit organization that takes children with life-threatening illnesses on outdoor hunting and fishing trips, began in 2012. Adams and a group of community volunteers have made 26 dreams come true since the start of the program.

Now the non-profit hopes to turn more dreams into a reality and add more outdoor adventures to their summer schedule. Adams encourages any family with a child battling a life-threatening illness to take a chance and apply to the program.

“We have captains that are willing and waiting to take a kid out fishing; we have land owners who have deer, bear and duck who are all ready to take a kid hunting. … I just need a kid,” Adams laughed.

Children are taken on individual adventures to ensure the uniqueness of each trip. Adams said she wants children to feel special and like the trip is just for them.

Adams used to think the purpose of the outing was to catch the biggest fish or hunt the biggest deer, but she said she’s learned quite a bit since the launch of the program in 2012. She recalled a time when she took 17-year-old Katherine on a hunting trip, and they came up empty-handed.

“We went on a deer hunt and had a couple of opportunities, but we left without harvesting any deer. I was so disappointed. But Katherine reminded me that it’s not all about the trophy. … She was happy that she got out of her bedroom and got outside for the weekend,” Adams said.

Adams said one of her favorite parts is watching children interact and make connections with others in the community. She described a particular adventure when a child in a wheelchair was able to talk and connect with another man in a wheelchair as “a beautiful thing to watch.”

“It started as me helping them. But the kids — they flipped it on me,” Adams said. “They impact me.”

Applications for hunting and fishing adventures are available online at