New soccer team good for county, state

Published 6:21 pm Wednesday, July 19, 2017

It’s an exciting time to be a sports fan in North Carolina. High school and college athletics have been embedded in the state’s culture for some time now. Professional sports have often taken a backseat to the likes of North Carolina, Duke, North Carolina State and, locally, East Carolina.

Football is right around the corner, and basketball follows shortly after. Both sports are the lifeblood of North Carolina’s sports fandom. The college teams have the most passionate fan bases, but the professional franchises have their followings, as well.

North Carolina may get an addition to its vast collection of teams. Raleigh and the North Carolina Football Club organization met with Major League Soccer officials on Wednesday. The objective is to bring an MLS expansion team to the state. Charlotte also threw its name in the hat and met with the MLS on Tuesday.

A new professional soccer team two hours away could mean a lot for Beaufort County. This area is increasingly becoming interested in soccer. The sport has grown as younger athletes have watched the success enjoyed by Washington’s soccer team. The Pam Pack played for a state championship in 2015 and made it to the fourth round last season.

Girls’ soccer has been on the upswing, too. The Lady Pack’s trip to the state championship is still a fresh memory, and it has fielded a strong team for years. This past spring, Southside also started a girls’ soccer team that enjoyed modest success in its first season.

Whether it’s ECU right down the road or Charlotte clubs across the state, these teams are influential to the entire state’s culture. Children have headed over to Greenville for baseball and basketball camps this summer. High-school football players have participated in Cam Newton’s 7-on-7 tournaments.

Not only are Beaufort County’s young athletes representing their schools and county, but they’re also learning important values in the process. Athletics helps build discipline, respect and keeps kids healthy and out of trouble.

Any new teams in this state that will help promote that can only be good for Beaufort County.