Evening Rotary welcomes ECU associate director

Published 6:14 pm Friday, July 21, 2017

The Washington (evening) Rotary Club met Thursday at the Washington Yacht & Country Club.

Following an enjoyable time of fellowship in the Upper Deck, members assembled in the Pamlico Room where President Todd Williamson convened the meeting.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” was sung, and a blessing was given for the meal.

Serena Sullivan gave the Health & Happiness report in her usual thorough and entertaining fashion.

Brownie Futrell, program chairman for the evening, first gave a perceptive analysis of the many benefits, on diverse fronts, that ECU brings to this region. He said that regardless of one’s ties to other schools, everyone should be supportive of and appreciative of the impact ECU has.

He then introduced Shelley Binegar, associate athletic director for External Operations.

Binegar is in her fifth year at ECU, having also held important positions previously at several universities. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees, the latter in sports administration.

The speaker gave an outstanding overview of the entire athletic department. With a $40 million budget and 192 employees, the department has a significant economic presence.

Currently there are 431 athletes participating in nine men’s and 11 women’s sports. ECU is a member of the American Athletic Conference, and leads the league each year in home attendance in football and baseball by wide margins.

Most interesting was Binegar’s walk-through of all that takes place at a home football game, relying upon detail, precision and timing.

Following a time for questions and answers, Williamson presented the speaker with a “highly coveted” Rotary pen.

After the recitation of the Rotary Four-Way Test, the meeting was adjourned.