ENC Junior Golf League scores

Published 5:23 pm Monday, July 31, 2017

Washington Yacht and Country Club was the site for Monday’s regular-season finale in the eastern North Carolina Junior Golf League. Ninety-three golfers from 10 to 18 years old gathered to spend their morning competing over nine holes. In addition to Washington, Bradford Creek, Ayden, Brook Valley and Ironwood all had teams.

PHOTOS: ENC Junior Golf League

Here are the scores:

Boys 10-11

Lake Williams                        36       Bradford Creek

Jae Yoon                                 40       Bradford Creek

Braston Webster                   41       Bradford Creek

Luke Mosley                           43       Ironwood

Ford Amerson                        44       Ironwood

Hank Adams                          45       Ironwood

Henry Walter                         47       Bradford Creek

Wyatt Berry                           47       Washington

Holden Rucker                       48       Ironwood

Max Vansant                          48       Washington

Robert Hutchinson                49       Bradford Creek

Holden Carson                       49       Brook Valley

Wells Mahoney                      49       Bradford Creek

Vo Gibbs                                 49       Bradford Creek

Gus Vansant                           50       Washington

Nathan Heath                                    52       Ayden

Jonathan Powers                   54       Bradford Creek

Britt Gauquie                         54       Ironwood

Luke Ross                               55       Washington

Davis Thompson                   52       Ayden

Carson Howell                       62       Ironwood

J.T. Anderson                         65       Ayden


Boys 12-13

Matthew Richardson                        35       Bradford Creek

Hayes Mahoney                     37       Bradford Creek

Drew Greene                         39       Bradford Creek

Carson Hathaway                  42       Bradford Creek

Rob Bergevin                         43       Washington

Aaron Chatt                           44       Ironwood

Sam Warren                          47       Washington

Jackson Wilder                      47       Washington

Edward Stephenson             50       Ayden

Sam Adams                            53       Ayden

Hayes Pippin                         55       Washington

Hunter Moore                        58       Washington

Davis Lee                                58       Washington

Ben Kean                               59       Ironwood

Anderson Noah                     60       Ayden

Hunter Bryant                       60       Ayden


Boys 14-15

David Langley                        36       Brook Valley

Britton Laughinghouse         38       Brook Valley

Andrew Gallagher                 38       Bradford Creek

Blake Hess                              40       Bradford Creek

Simon Owens                         43       Bradford Creek

Colby Tant                             43       Bradford Creek

Harris Casey                          43       Bradford Creek

Caeden Lyons                                    45       Washington

Adam Hathaway                    45       Brook Valley

Chase Erickson                      46       Washington

Luke Keel                               47       Bradford Creek

Parker Eveleth                      48       Bradford Creek

Tucker Davis                          50       Washington

Tyler Moore                           52       Ayden

Hunter Jeanett                      61       Ironwood

Davis Miller                            63       Ayden


Boys 16-18

Mylan Minto                          38       Ironwood

Kyle Griffin                            41       Ironwood

Austin Wood                          42       Bradford Creek

Jake Anthony                         42       Bradford Creek

Frank Harper                         45       Ironwood

Clay Stanley                           46       Bradford Creek

Kris Jackson                           46       Bradford Creek

Rob Zerniak                           49       Washington

Will Mitchum                         55       Brook Valley

Davis Now                              64       Ironwood


Girls 10-13

Sophie Berry                          46       Washington

Peyton Nichols                       51       Ironwood

Carys Carson                         54       Brook Valley

Lilly Davis                               57       Washington

Katelyn Varnell                     57       Bradford Creek

MaryPage Moore                   59       Washington

Payton Quinn                                    59       Ayden

Keely Williams                       59       Bradford Creek

Taylor Black                           61       Bradford Creek

Graceson Brinson                  62       Ayden

Mia Jordan                             62       Ayden

McKenna Gibson                   69       Bradford Creek

Baylee Nichols                       69       Ironwood

Anna Claire Bilbro                 70       Washington


Girls 14-18

Grayson Warren                    39       Washington

Kristen Hardee                      49       Ayden

Ashley Hinson                        54       Ironwood

Rachel Anderson                   65       Ayden