Evening Rotary welcomes personal enrichment director

Published 2:09 pm Friday, September 15, 2017

The Upper Deck of the Washington Yacht & Country Club was lively Thursday evening as the Washington (evening) Rotary Club enjoyed its pre-meeting social. Members soon moved to the Pamlico Room for dinner and business. After David McLawhorn called the meeting to order, Dr. Zeno Edwards led in the Pledge of Allegiance and Bartow Houston directed a verse of “America.”

Bill Wall shared a letter from Beaufort County Community College Foundation Director Serena Sullivan thanking club members for their recent generous donation to help with student scholarships.

Before the program, Edwards conducted the weekly Jack of Diamonds fundraiser. Program Chairman Serena Sullivan then introduced guest speaker Clay Carter. Clay is director of personal enrichment for Beaufort County Community College. He has been with the college 30 years and shared stories of his tenure there. He explained the enrichment program, which falls under continuing education, and how it can relate to any subject, any place and any time. Clay presented members a handout that offered an extensive list of fun and entertaining classes. After questions were answered, Clay was presented the highly coveted Rotary pen. Members recited the Four Way Test before being dismissed.