Richlands Seniors of Aurora welcomes speaker Sue Duclos

Published 3:03 pm Friday, October 13, 2017

Vice President Terri Mathias opened the meeting with 22 members present; Mary Galloway gave the devotional, followed by the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes and the treasurer’s report was given and approved.

The Christmas Party entertainment was reported as going well; anyone interested in singing in the Christmas program, stop by the senior building on Saturday at 3 p.m.

Our special guest and speaker for the day was Sue Duclos. We all enjoyed hearing about some of her life experiences and travel during her career in the intelligence community.

We hope she will come back again and share more of her experiences.

The senior building has been painted and shutters replaced, thanks to all for making this happen.

The club voted to not have a meeting in December as we will be busy preparing for our party.

Myra Mayo blessed our food and lunch and fellowship was enjoyed by all.