Second snow storm

Published 11:53 am Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The year’s second storm on Wednesday, January 17, dumped 4-5 inches of snow on Tyrrell County, closing schools and government offices on Thursday and delaying openings on Friday.

The snowfall came between seven and ten o’clock in the evening, leaving a powdery blanket.

Below-freezing temperatures Thursday night caused black ice on many roadways, prompting school officials to await Friday’s warming trend before ordering buses to run again.

Forecasters were calling for above-freezing nights and mild days under sunny skies through the weekend.

The first snow storm and prolonged freeze were Jaunary 4-8 when 3-4 inches of the white stuff fell. Tyrrell Sheriff Darryl Liverman reported “only one vehicle accident and one fire call in Tyrrell County. There were no other incidents” in that time period.