Church Corner: Saved to be His 210

Published 2:23 pm Wednesday, January 31, 2018

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. –Ephesians 2:8-10

What a wonderful joy it is to be saved. There is so much peace in knowing that our sins have been forgiven, we have been made right with God, and that we have been granted eternal life. If you are saved, I’m sure you look back on that day that you gave your life to Christ as the most important day of your life.

If you are not saved, allow me to encourage you to turn from your sins and trust in Jesus as Savior today. You will never be the same. That being said, and salvation being the wonderful joy and blessing that it is, what is the point? What exactly have we been saved for? Heaven? Is that it? I mean, don’t get me wrong, eternal life and the promise of a home in Heaven is great and something we should most certainly be grateful for. For none of us deserve it.

But is that is that the only reason we have been saved? Have we been saved just so we can miss Hell? Definitely not. If you believe that you were saved just so you can go to Heaven, you are missing so much about the abundant life that God has called you to.

Think about it this way. If all we have been saved for is eternal life, then God should have taken us to Heaven the moment after we were born again. I mean, if an eternity in Heaven is the only reason we have been saved, then what is the point of life past the conversion experience?

Ephesians 2:8,9 is a very familiar passage. It reminds of us that we are saved by GRACE ALONE and that no amount of good deeds or religious piety can make us right with God. Only the shed blood of Jesus can do that.

Verse 10 however, tells us what we are saved for. Paul writes that we have been created to do “good works” that God prepared for us in advance. You see, you have been saved to make a difference. You have been redeemed for a purpose. Think about the Israelites. Why were they delivered from slavery in Egypt? Just so they could be free?

No, they were set free from slavery in Egypt so that they could be his “chosen people” out of all the people groups of the earth; a people who have been called out to worship Him, make Him known, and reveal His glory. They were delivered so they could inherit the land promised to their ancestors. God has saved you from your sins so that you may leave an impact on your community that will change it forever. Yes! His purpose for your life is that big.

You were created to make an impact for God in the unique way only you can. We all have to find and embrace what I call our “210”. I get that from Ephesians 2:10 that says we are God’s “Masterpiece”. You are a masterpiece. Your personality, talents, abilities, giftings, passions, experiences, strengths, even weaknesses make up your “210”; God’s masterpiece.

Finding, embracing, and using your “210” to make a difference in this life is what you have been saved for. Heaven is certainly a wonderful underserved future that I am grateful for and am looking forward to. Before I enter those pearly gates however, I will stand before the judgment seat of Christ where He will ask me what I did with the life He gave me. I don’t want to say that I just waited around for Heaven. I want to tell Him that I embraced my 210, lived as the masterpiece He made me to be, and brought Him glory. That’s what we have been saved for.