An ideal role model

Published 7:26 pm Wednesday, March 7, 2018


There was a bit of a somber tone to this weekend’s youth basketball championships. The news of Bobby Andrews’ passing Saturday morning rippled throughout the recreation center named after him, which was the site of the title games on Saturday and Sunday.

Many of the games were captivating, and each was preceded by a moment of silence.

However, it’s exactly how Andrews would have wanted it. Of course, he likely wouldn’t have wanted an undertone of sadness, but his memory was being celebrated by the kids he loved and dedicated himself to competing for basketball championships. Then, at his funeral service on Monday, everyone exited to the tune of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.”

It was a perfect way to remember a man who was as perfect a role model as Beaufort County has seen. Andrews loved sports. And more than sports, Andrews loved youth athletics. His legacy lives on in the kids he spent his life coaching and mentoring.

That legacy should be one followed. Andrews — through his coaching, officiating and other work with youth athletics — showed everyone how impactful one person can be. He took his passions and used them to benefit Washington and all of Beaufort County.

It’s a roadmap just about anyone can follow. Whether it’s sports, like Andrews, or anything from writing to fishing to woodwork to music, Andrews showed how people can take their talents and use them to make the entire community better.

Andrews’ life is one deserving of celebration. Washington is better because of him. One of the best ways to carry on his legacy is to ask oneself how to turn a hobby or a talent into something that can make the community better.

Andrews set the bar high, but touching the life of even one other person can go a long way.

The world needs more people like Bobby Andrews.